Our mission is to provide opportunities and information
for a healthier life allowing you to build a healthier journey your way

Our focus is to partner with Brand Owners to market their vision and enthusiasm to achieve market share expansion. The Brands we support are so very important that we work hard to take their growth to the next level

Children eating healthier

                           Hi, my name is Pat.  I am so grateful to assist you in a journey towards a healthier life.  

All I can say is, "Thank you"


The inspiration for HealthierLivingYourWay.com, 

Living Your Way, LLC


I grew up in an amazing family!!  We were very active within our community.  We were always encouraged to live life to its' fullest.  This included being a good Christian, building a strong work ethic, cherishing the Irish, tons of thinking and conversations, playing hard, and eating lots of great food.  But the idea of living a healthier life was not a major focus for the majority of us.

For myself, the idea of living a healthier life was just a whisper within my thoughts as I passed the age of forty.  Yes, it is true that once you reach forty the body starts to talk back to you.  This is when I first started to drink water and reduce the number of soft drinks.  WOW, not a major achievement based on today's wellness standards.  A bit of a slow learner.  But I was busy raising three daughters, working and attending school.  Who had time for a healthier life?

In 2014, one of my daughters was 21 years old, attending college, totally active and living life.  You could say, she was living the American dream.  Then an annual physical revealed she was a Type I diabetic.  STOP.  How could this be true?  This reality lead her and our family down somewhat on a different journey.  Over the last several years, the journey of healthier living your way became more than just a whisper.  It became a mission to identify how we would walk down this journey and still locate ways to make it our way. Hence, the birth of Living Your Way, LLC.    

First, thank you for visiting our website!  There are many ways to live your life.  My hope is to provide knowledge and opportunities with the intent to provide enough information allowing you to make informed decisions.  Living Your Way, LLC is a passion of mine and I hope it will be a benefit to you and your family.  God Bless.

ADA Eat a Rainbow


Enjoy Food Photo